Tuesday 23 May 2017

Polvoron - Chocolate Coated

Polvoron - Chocolate Coated

Polvoron is from the Spanish word “Polvo” means powder or dust, is a type of heavy, soft and very crumbly Spanish shortbread made of flour, milk powder, sugar, and butter sometimes nuts or pinipig (pounded young rice) were added, molded into round or oval shape and then wrapped individually with cellophane or wax paper. A Filipino popular delicacies and our childhood favorite.

Philippines were colonized by Spain for centuries and Polvoron is one of the popular delicacies that we inherited from them. Actually, we inherited many dishes and sweets from Spain like “biscocho” or biscuits, “sorbetes” or ice cream, “adobo” or marinade, cocido or cooked/stewed and many more.
Original polvoron is made of toasted flour, milk, sugar and butter or margarine, later different flavors were created like, chocolate, pandan, cookies and cream and many more. “Goldilocks Bakeshop” the popular bakeshop in the Philippines is well-known for their Polvoron. Polvoron is a good “pasalubong” (a gift or souvenir given to a friend or relative by a person who has returned from a trip or arrived for a visit) that we always bring back and give to our friends and colleagues here. They love it and sometimes if they knew that we are going back to Philippines, they will ask us to buy polvoron for them.

Making of polvoron is very easy to make, it only needs 4 ingredients; flour, milk, sugar, melted butter or margarine. First, toast the flour till light brown then set aside to cool down, melt the butter or margarine set aside to cool down also. Mixed the sugar and milk on toasted flour then, add the melted butter or margarine, mixed well. Then, mold the mixture using a molder, cool in the fridge for few minutes then wrap it with colorful cellophane or cut wax paper, if you want to you can also coat it with chocolate before wrapping and that is the recipe I am sharing here.

Polvoron - Chocolate Coated Recipe

Ingredients: (about 24 pcs polvoron)
For Polvoron
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup milk powder
1 cup butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ cup pinipig, toasted** (pounded young rice) this is optional
**Note: you can use any type of chopped nuts

For Chocolate Coating
500 grams Chocolate bar (any brand you like)
4 teaspoon of vegetable oil

For cooking polvoron:
In a small pan, melt the butter and add the vanilla, set aside.

In another pan, toast the all-purpose flour till it becomes light brown in color.

Let the toasted flour to cool for a moment. Sift the milk and toasted flour together. Then, mix-in the sugar until all ingredients are well combined. If you are adding nuts or other crispy ingredients mixed it in here.

Make a well in the center then pour the melted butter and mix well.

Fill the mold with the mixture and pressed it hard to mold properly. Unmold the mixture carefully on a plate or tray and chill it in freezer if you will coat with chocolate, if not, keep it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes, so it will stay in shape before wrapping it or coating.
Note: if you find the mixture too dry and having hard time molding it, add a little amount of melted butter at a time till you get the mixture that can hold the shape.

Start wrapping once the polvoron is hard, if not coating it.

For cooking chocolate coating:
Chop the chocolate bar into small pieces and put in a microwave for about a minute or till the chocolate melt. Add the vegetable oil to the melted chocolate and stir well till smooth, add more oil if needed.

Take out the polvoron in the freezer and dip one at a time in a melted chocolate till well covered. Let it cool at room temperature.

Start wrapping once the chocolate is hard.

1 comment:

  1. ask ko lang po ano po kayang magandang gawin research title about po sa food tech i wait your responce thank you po
