Saturday 6 May 2017

Mango Sago Pomelo

Mango Sago Pomelo

Hubby and I just came back from our Philippines trip and it is Mango season back there. We brought back some mangoes as well as mango puree. Philippines is well-known for having the best mangoes. What distinct our mango from other mangoes are sweetness, the strong mango flavor, the creaminess and the sweet fragrant that it emits especially when it is ripe.

In the Philippines, we have different varieties of mangoes the best are coming from "Pangasinan and Guimaras". Mangoes from Guimaras is known as one of the sweetest mangoes in the world thus earning the nickname as “Mango Capital of the Philippines”. Apparently, mango from Guimaras is hard to find in Philippine market as it is mostly for export. So far, I only had tasted it once, when my brother-in-law gave us some, and he got it during his visit in Guimaras Island for speaking engagement. The mango really claim its name, the flesh is very soft, no fibers and really very very sweet.

Another place where mango is popular and the country largest producers of mango are in Pangasinan, province in North part of the Philippines. The best variant from Pangasinan is what we called “”kalabaw” or carabao mango, this is very sweet, it has more flesh as seed is very thin as well as the skin. Fortunately, this is the mango variant I am going to use for this recipe. Do not worry you can use any type of ripe mango you want and available in your place.

My family is mango lovers so anything goes with the mango sure they will like it. This dessert is so easy to make, you will only need pearl sago, mango, mango puree (can buy or make from fresh mango), milk, sugar syrup or you can use honey if you want and pomelo. The only ingredient that needs to be cooked here is the pearl sago which so easy to do, just boil it then set aside for few minute, there you go, and you have your pearl sago. In case you cannot find it anywhere, you can substitute it with plain jelly cut into small pieces.

Mango Sago Pomelo Recipe

(Serves 4)

·       300ml Mango Puree
·       150ml Fresh Milk (or you can use 100ml Evap + 50ml water)
·       1  Ripe Mango, cut in cubes or diced
·       Honey or Sugar syrup to taste (mixing 5 tablespoon of white sugar with just enough hot water to dissolve)
·       80g sago pearls
·       Pomelo, peeled and sacs separated, about 50g or more depending to your preference


For cooking Sago:
1.   Bring a pot of water to boil. Add sago and simmer for about 5 minutes. Turn off the stove, cover the pot with lid and let the sago continue to cook on its own for about 10 minutes, until all the sago turns translucent. Run the cooked sago through a fine sieve and running water to remove excess starch. Set aside.

For Making the Mango Pomelo Sago:
2.   In a bowl mix Mango puree and milk well, then, add sugar syrup or honey to taste. Add cooked pearl sago to the mixture.
3.   Chill the mixture in the fridge for at least 1 hour, or until cold. Serve in bowls, topped with mango cubes and pomelo. Enjoy!

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