Friday 12 May 2017

Avocado Smoothies

Avocado Smoothies

Avocado is well-known for its wide range of health benefits. Avocado smoothie is one of the healthy and refreshing drinks that my family loves so much. We have this drink once in a while since Avocado here is Singapore is expensive (S$2 each) and limited. I remember back in the Philippines, during my younger years where avocado is abundant, we will just pluck the ripe ones from the trees and devour it right away and sometime we will just top it with sugar. My mother will smash it put some evaporated milk and sugar then cool it in the fridge and some time she will make it to ice candy. It is always a good feeling to remember our childhood memories. 

I made some Avocado smoothies today for dinner since I got two big ripe avocados. This drink is very easy to make it only has few ingredients; Avocado (of course), milk, water, honey (sugar if you do not have honey) and ice. Cut the avocado, scrape the flesh and put in the blender right away followed by milk, sugar and ice cubes (or cracked/crushed ice). Blend it till smooth and there you go, you have your healthy and refreshing Avocado Smoothie.

Avocado Smoothies recipe

Ingredients: (makes 5 glasses of smoothies)
  • 2 ripe avocado
  • 1 ½ cup of fresh milk (or 1 cup evaporated milk + ½ cup of water)
  • ½ cup plain water
  • ½ cup honey (I used organic here) or sugar
  • Ice (cubes/crack/crushed), enough to fill your blender
  1.  Cut the avocado and scrape the flesh and put directly in the blender

  2. Place-in the milk, honey, water and ice
  3.  Blend well till all ingredients are well blended and the ice are smooth.
  4. Try to taste if the sweetness is according to your preference if not you can add more honey till you reach the sweetness you want.
  5. Pour the mixture on individual glasses and enjoy!

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